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En anglais.
The Adepta Sororitas are the armed wing of the Imperial faith. They defend the Emperor's cathedrums, chapels, and holy shrines from the heretic, the mutant, the witch, and the alien. Encased within power armour, the Battle Sisters of the Orders Militant wield boltguns, flamers, and chainswords as they march relentlessly towards their enemies, bearing relics of fallen martyrs and singing prayers above the din of battle. Their tanks and wargear are bedecked with the iconography of the Adeptus Ministorum, a demonstration of their zeal to any who would opposed them. Where the Adepta Sororitas tread, so does the light of the Emperor shine.
This 129-page book is richly embellished with art and background information celebrating the courage, strength, and zeal of the Sisters of Battle. You'll find within these pages all the rules, inspiration, and reference material you'll need to collect, build, and play games with your mighty armies, including datasheets for every unit in the army, and a Combat Patrol for playing fast-paced games of Warhammer 40,000.
This hardback Codex contains:
– Background material illustrating the rich history, organization, and ethos of these holy warriors
– Stunning art capturing the majesty of the Adepta Sororitas, and the horrors into which they charge headlong, plus a showcase of beautifully painted miniatures to inspire you
– Full rules for every unit in the army, including 30 datasheets, and four specialised Detachments
– A full complement of rules for launching a cleansing crusade with your Adepta Sororitas, even resulting in one of them possibly becoming a living saint
– Concise datasheets and rules for fast-paced Combat Patrol games
This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Adepta Sororitas content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.
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